Monday, 28 September 2015

Leaving for Tonga after no sleep and a good old zorbing 17/09/2015

Oh my goodness. I am so deliriously tired! I barely slept the night before last, and last night I had 3 hours of broken sleep before getting my 215am shuttle in to Auckland.

It was very emotional leaving Tauranga,  my old standing relationships and new ones that still carry so much intensity. Maybe I will work here some time? I would at least not be too far from home.

Yesterday morning I spent at the play centre with Andrea and Mason. I sure am learning a lot about motherhood this trip!

Andrea and I had a go zorbing yesterday afternoon in Rotarua. It was mighty expensive and a little nauseating as i was so sleep deprived, but epic fun. My stomach hurts today from laughing so hard! For anyone who doesnt know what zorbing is; my explanation might make it sound more bizarre. You are placed inside a giant rubber ball with a little bit of water, and then you are rolled down a hill, where the speed can reach 30km an hour. This was set amongst the rolling hills in Rotorua with sheep nearby, so beautiful!

Zorbing has a similar effect of being on an extreme water slide. The video that we watched afterwards was hilarious, a constant mix of laughing and screaming and falling all over the place getting dunked in water! At the same zorbing place, they have jakoozies set up for after your zorb, sooo good. And no, that's not a picture of me in the zorb, cause I didn't want to pay $50 for a photo, damn tourist traps! watching the go pro footage afterwards was incredibly funny though! Andrea did such a good job managing to hold on to the go pro while I was swishing around like a drunk hamster.

Image result for zorbing rotoruaImage result for zorbing rotorua

I spent the evening at the hostel with Lucho and his friends who spent 10 hours lifting 25kg bags of a 'bora' chemical at a factory. They said that the factory was run by Mauri's and that they all had a hard time understanding them but regardless just nodded enthusiastically to everything.  I was told that I was much easier to understand then many other New Zealanders and Australians. I explained that I make a big effort when I travel and meet people who have English as a second language, to speak clearly and slowly. We talked about the complexities of different languages; French, Spanish and English. I didn't feel ready to leave, but I needed to try and get a teeny bit of sleep before Tonga.

I think my first day in Tonga will be sleeping, and I am definately okay with this. Again, I contemplated staying in a beautiful beach side resort, but, staying at  a backpackers really is the way to meet people and see a country.
It looks like a less than 30 of us will be getting on this plane to Tonga.  People ask why I am going to Tonga and I say, diving with humpback whales, I tell them I cared for a family from Tonga, I mention the TV show 'Jonah from Tonga'. But really the answer is, why not?  There is something great about going to a country that all you can find in a travel agent or even on the internet, half a page of information!

Yay Tonga! But even more, yay for sleep soon. Totally worthwhile sleep deprivation but will be great to sleep none the less.

Kia Ora
 Xo Rasa

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