Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Muscle testing, elephant caves, temples and vomit 21.07.16

Woo! Adventures!

I cannot remember when I last wrote.

I went to a yoga talk about listening to your intuition through muscle testing: I do believe in listening to your body. However, I think that shaking your hand to constitute yes or no answers, and then the phone app judging whether it is true or false, is perhaps a bit of BS.

Me and Priscila and the English boys went to a waterfall near Ubud. The boys kept on telling me to swim and to fix up my dressig later. Although in most circumstances I like to consider myself a YOLO person and wanted nothing more than to go in the water, in this instance,  I think having my forehead heal properly is a priority. Pricsila and I enjoyed having a nap on a rock, chatting to locals and listening to the huge gushes if water pound down from the waterfall. We spent a lot of time learning about the coffee making process at a coffee plantation and drank the most amazing teas and coffees in a treehouse and talked about politics and life in our countries.  

We visited the elephant caves and had a local offer us food. I think it may have been old deity offerings, will I go to hell?

Hows this for a petrol station!

Sitting at a food stop in the middle of nowhere. Us:'What can we eat?' 
Cook: 'Chicken'. Us: 'Anything else we can eat'? Cook: 'Chicken'. Us:'What drinks do you have?' Cook: 'Chicken'. Us: 'looks like we  are having chicken'. Will this be the things to make everyone sick? Probably. Terrifying appearance? Yes (small chicken flattened out whole and cooked. tasty? Yes! Spicy? Oh lordy!

Me and Priscila.

We played some drinking games back at the hostel. The boys went out but I stayed with Vossy, one of the English boys with Chany, his mate as Vossey had a power vomit. Every second person here has a gastro upset probably as the ocean is polluted or a surf injury. I am destroyed by mosquitos but I am just not worrying about it now as nothing seems to help! I'm on anti histamines and have bought every kind of repellent and ointment. I love my conversations at the chemist that end up with me buying night time antihistamines for the day and homeopathic big spray instead of tropical repellent. :p I've been given a mosquito net which is actually just sheets. Ah well, the Bali experience!

Nasi Goreng. You can eat at a gorgeous touristy restaraunt for about $10 AUD. Or you can eat locally, less fancy, less busy, more relaxed and just as tasty for about $2.50 AUD. I prefer to eat this way. :)

Today I went with an Aussie girl I met at yoga and some of her friends to Tanah Loy temple. It is packed with tourists but very pretty. 

Pretty flowers at Tanah Lot.

We enjoyed some Mi Goreng noodles together and then had a nap.

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