Class was great today. No exams today. Even after yesterdays exam which I found very difficult they haven't booted me down to the beginner class. We did lots of fun games together, like decribing picture cards to each other in Lithuanian and having the rest of the class have to guess what our cards were. I think I will be tired at the end of each day, (for good reasons) because my brain is using different muscles than in Australia, where I only speak English with most people.
My German (male) classmate Thomas, who I have mentioned before, has not actually spoken English for 5 years. He has been in Lithuania for a year already. So we all have a good laugh together, when at times, our brains have lost all of our steam and we become lost in translation.
My very post Soviet looking apartment. So cosy on the inside, very ugly on the outside. |
The food in the canteen is just fantastic. I was told that people all over the city come to eat it. There is traditional Lithuanian food and Western food too, all hearty, all healthy and for about 2 euros.
Sonja, my German (lady) classmate, spoke with me about how Asutralians have an unusual sense of humour and enjoy being sarcastic. Sonja said that it took her a while to get used to Australian humour. She also said that now she does not belive many of the stories that Australians tell her. Sonja told me that an Australian once told her an absurd story that Kangaroos sometimes drown dogs. I told her this was true, and she laughed! So I have gotten together some you tube clips and Wikipedia info to prove my point. I found a clip of a kangaroo growling at full throttle too. I can't wait to see how Sonja responds to it all!
Klaipeda University at 9am. Looks a bit like a set for a Dracula movie, I love it! |
Even with all of the long distance running that I do back home, my feet and legs here have never been so sore. I don't think that I am used to doing so much walking. Perhaps I should have bought Lithuanian boots that had a smaller heel instead of the ones that I bought. You have to see these boots though, they are gorgeous. Without the boots, I am now one of the shorter girls in Lithuania.
Welcome to the Hotel...Klaipeda. I have my own room,am sharing a bathroon with another housemate. I think it is 4 euro's a night. |
I think the locals might be a bit bemused by cheerful Aussies who go running in the snow :)