Friday, 16 January 2015

Lithuanian Folk Dancing and more eating after class at Klaipeda University

Another fantastic day at Klaipeda University.

Eating yummy food at Klaipeda University for 2 Euros. Blynai with cheese, beetroot salad and juice. I am a happy camper!

Sonja and I decided that our Lithuanian teacher could go to the world championships for 'Pictionary' or 'Articulate' as she can manage to describe anything in great detail, while refusing to say what something is in English. Perhaps she could be an actress too, as she is so expressive. She is so patient and so enthusiastic, and I am very grateful to be her student.

Thomas ir Sonja in the Klaipeda University Canteen.

After class today, we had a special presentation or 'get together' for all of the students in the class. Our teachers taught us about ancient Pagan (now Christian) traditions of Lithuanian that are still celebrated today.

Two of our beautiful Lithuanian teachers, dressed in Traditional costume, teaching us about ancient Lithuanian traditions that are still celebrated today.

Our family celebrates some of these traditions at home but I learn of many other celebrations too. These celebrations look like so much fun, and I wish I could be here in Lithuania to experience all of them. I always knew that my name 'Rasa' meant 'dew drop', but I did not know the story of the Jonas ir Rasos Summer solstice celebration. During this season, there is a  particularly high proportion of water. Rain and water not only fertilizes the Earth, but also gives her the strength to keep fruit.Rasu before or early in the morning before sunrise, patients went to bathe in the hope of recovery, the animals were also bathed. As the name Rasa can be associated with the goddess of Rasa, which personifies the Lithuanians, in songs she is portrayed to be walking in the fields. It is said that in the day of the 'išsivoliojęs rasoje' (shortest night of the morning), you will be healthy and beautiful. That morning farmers wade round in the water to increase the yield. 

I feel more special than ever now, that my name is Rasa. I feel like I have big shoes to fill in terms of healing powers, but perhaps in my nursing, I can give some healing powers to others in my own little way, I hope.

We were all fed delicious handmade food in a 'Kucios' like setting, which was so generous of our teachers to do for us.

We did so much folk dancing together;the energy and joy in that room during the dancing was indescribable.

A few of us gave presentations about our countries. I feel that my talk about Australia was well received. Any place that has kangaroos has to be great, it seems! 

After class, Thomas, one of my fellow students kindly dropped us all home, we were laughing all the way home, and we have decided that we will go on a road trip on Sunday together. It really does feel like we have this amazing international family, and it is very special.

Rasa ir Sonja. Happy family.




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